Emily Gan Week 10 - The Power of Hope
In English 10H last year, we read Maus, a book the author dedicated to his parents, who survived the Holocaust. The author’s dad, Vladek, had lots of insight into how the camps were run and the tactics those in the camps used to survive. He explained how hope plays a role in the concentration camp survivors' chance of living. My fellow peer Tony, also had a story to go with this idea. He said there was a Chinese man who was in a prison like a concentration camp. Every day he was forced to work from dawn to dusk, moving heavy objects with no breaks and little food. There was a fortune teller who would do palm readings and told the man that he would be let out of prison on May 14th. The man took that date to heart and persevered day after day of tortuous labor, counting the days until May 14th. He hoped and trusted that the fortune teller was correct. But when the say came, there was no sign of change. The man still worked through that day hoping maybe it ...