Bill Wang - Week 16 - Collegeboard

Before I write anything, I must first emphasize that I dearly love Collegeboard, my beloved. My ever so dearest. My silken sweetheart, my boonful babygirl, my moondrop princess.


Quick! Now their watchful eyes have been thrown off, I must rant. Their gaze alone is strong enough to drive one into insanity. If you embrace the boons they proffer, you may just go insane. Knowledge is power, and knowledge is free. But nothing is free, and power corrupts absolutely! Do not gaze into the abyss, do not listen to the raving rants. Do not dance to the cheat, and when you venture into the fourth plane of knowledge, do not see those who crushes and stresses, squeezes and beats. 

I fear that if I take one more “AP test” I may just lose me mind immediately! I shall sprout a third, no, a fourth arm, and wander outside the windows of The Fabric as an incomprehensible mess of flesh and bone, twisted into a shape unbelonging to this land. 

To know, or not to know? Is the pursuit of knowledge belonging to a higher plane? Or is it ultimately self-serving, feeding the empty abyss that lies within us, “Greed,”  or stroking the smooth glabella of the tyrannical infant, named “Ego”? They lie within all of us! Trunkless legs of stone!

I do not trust them. Where we plead for knowledge, I suspect they must see only numbers! It must be so! They do not earn my trust, but so vast are they, that one sigh can sunder my mind asway.

Shall we bridge our way out? An ode! An ode! A song! A dance! A jest! Rotten tomatoes, rotten eggs!

Now I have forgotten The Sigma, but at what cost? The judge is unilateral, he dictates, and dances us as we were but puppets on a string!

“Sir! I have with me a story, a story to tell. When I was a child, my father and mother did fell!”

“Miss! A skin, an unblemished skin! I know, that truly inside my scarred heart, a tale of courage and bravery, I shall spin!”

“Father! I have grown! I know that I have matured! Since entering this foundation of knowledge, I have gone through my life’s journeys; I have endured!”

“My life ends at eighteen, I am as perfect as I will ever be! I have gone through my character arcs, I am special! Come! Pick me!”

“Child, daughter, I love you as can be. Your story does not resonate with me, I shall not hear your plea. Education is pure, education is love. Give me a hundred dubloons, you unabashedful, adoring glove! A number meaning little, in the credits it promises. But a parent must watch his child play! Play into the abyss!”

One to not remember is to be a puppet, two to do so is to be too. Acorns of love, acorns to make you bleed.

Isn’t life so much more wonderful as a mystery? 


  1. The sun! He is but the Sun! I too, admit to plan to have commit falsities, but if it is the all-seeing acorn who I must deceive, to who shall I return to repentance? The pursuit of knowledge, always pursues me! The acorns is bleeding! The fall of Constantinople! Mr. Pen crawls through my vein! He was "Mango Yuzu Citrus Charged Lemonade" all along! It's a conspiracy! It's all against me! Me! Me! Me! I wish to forget me!

    There was a man
    Who wrote himself insane
    He wished to forget
    But remembrance does not leave the brain
    He began to write
    But only did it duplicate
    Now look at this man
    The words he did forfeit
    The utterance he spewed
    Before his mind took its leave
    So this is how it does conclude?
    So this is the folly, of language and memory.

  2. Hi Bill,
    I greatly appreciate your blog and rant on the insanity that Collegeboard brings us all. You have truly stated the thoughts every student has. Your use of metaphors and poetic language captures the immense pressure and absurdity that standardized testing and the educational system places on almost every student. The way you personify Collegeboard as an oppressive entity is both humorous and relatable, effectively conveying the one-sided relationship many have with the institution. Your writing made me reflect on my own experiences with the education system and the way it often feels like a relentless pursuit of numbers and scores rather than true knowledge and personal growth. The line "If you embrace the boons they proffer, you may just go insane" particularly resonated with me, highlighting the paradox of seeking knowledge in a system that can drive one to the brink of sanity. Overall, your post is a powerful and thought-provoking commentary on the educational system.

  3. Hi Bill,
    I read your blog out loud to my friends since we are in call together do blog comments, and they all started giggling and kicking their feet due to your epic poetry beats. I had a great time this year and I hope we have English together again next year. I do indeed struggle with the power dynamic college board but I have realized that not caring about my score makes it so they no longing have a choke hold on me anymore. I am taking 3 APs next year but I do not have the motivation, I know technically get a good score on it will save a lot of money in the future but frankly that does not mean anything to me right now. After stressing about APs for the last 3 years, I am so burnt out and I am ready to nap all day instead of slaving away for the accorn.


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