Akshinth Kongara, Week 12: If You Could Have Any Superpower, What Would it Be?

If I was ever asked the question, “If you could have any superpower, what would it be,” I would answer with super speed.

Note: This is not due to my childhood obsession with the Flash. However, my reasoning does come from scenes in the show.

I often find myself thinking, “If I had super speed right now life would be so much easier,” or,  “I wish I was the Flash so I could finish my entire to-do list in one minute.” 

The countless benefits super speed possesses outweigh any other superpower. Just think about it. Imagine finishing all your homework the moment you get home. Better yet, at school as soon as it was assigned. Think about reading the chapters of Everything I Never Told You in a few seconds or even the whole book. While your brain is functioning equally as fast as you are, you don’t have to worry about your brain being unable to catch up to your reading. Imagine finishing POAS in a day and receiving the early submission credit. Imagine reading entire textbooks in a matter of seconds. Imagine completing your entire to-do list for once, having to wait for another task to be added. In the educational aspect of your life, super speed dominates. 

Although the amount of crime portrayed in shows like The Flash does not apply to our world, super speed does give you the ability to stop crime and save lives. Super speed allows you to become a superhero depending on how you use it. You are quite literally unbeatable. You can see every punch or bullet coming at you and predict your opponent’s every move. Super speed also gives you the capability of traveling to the past or the future. Imagine being a time machine; you can alter events and change the present. 

Now think about travel. How unreal would it be to see the Bahamas just by moving your legs (you also gain the ability to run over water)? How surreal would it be to phase through walls by vibrating at different frequencies? It is basically the same thing as having the power of teleportation, just several times better. Imagine not having to use a door. Of course, having superpowers comes with a new set of ethics and morals. But just fantasize about the otherworldly advantages super speed gives you.


  1. Hi Akshinth!
    I agree with you that superspeed would be the best superpower. It would be so cool to be able to teleport from one country to another, while not having to worry about homework because you already did that as soon as you got home with the help of superspeed. Superspeed would make everything a hundred times better. In AP LANG, we would not have to stress about finishing an essay on time, because the whole thing would only take a few minutes. Even though superpowers aren't real, I would love to have superspeed!

  2. Hi Akshinth! I think super speed would be a fun superpower for the variety of reasons that you described. Some other common answers to this question include flight and invisibility, which are objectively cool superpowers, but they would never work in reality (well, not that super speed would ever work in real life either). Flight, for one, wouldn't work because the kind of wings needed for it would never develop naturally in human populations. Wings that would be able to support the human body would need to be exponentially larger than the torso, there's no selection pressure for wings, and it would take a significant amount of energy to maintain wings, whether they're functional or not. Invisibility wouldn't work the way people portray it, either; we can see the world only when light reflects off of our eyes and the objects around us, and by making someone invisible, they would be left blind as well.

  3. Hi Akshinth, your take on the optimal superpower to have overall is intriguing, and I would have to say that I agree. As it stands, I barely have any time to do things I'd like to do because homework manages to eat up most of my time, so being able to finish it in a fraction of the time and have the rest of the day to do whatever I want would be amazing. I too was a huge Flash fan when the CW show was airing in its early seasons, and admittedly, I've always liked superspeed as well. Finishing Everything I Never Told You, or whatever book we happen to be reading, and comprehend it in seconds would be sick. While this all does seem awesome, I'd have to wonder if there are any downsides to having this superpower.


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